
SM Definition Assignment

    I would define media as a way to portray information; whether it be digital, print, or visual. As for social networking I would define this as a way of interacting with other users on social media to promote yourself or a business. The social networking sites I use are Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tik Tok, and Snapchat. I use these sites for entertainment only honestly. I can scroll on them for hours and I usually just waste the time on them by looking at the funny posts or the nice pictures of my friends. I use them all pretty much every day- sadly. I wish I used them less to be honest. I have gotten so much better at using social media though. I feel content with myself- which has never happened before. I normally would have compared myself to everyone, but being in the relationship I am in now has helped me so much. Jacob, my boyfriend, has been so supportive and sweet with just about everything I do and he loves me regardless of me gaining a couple of pounds or sporting a couple pimples. As for how I feel about my friends, I love them too- seeing them succeed has made me happier than ever. Same with my family really, I love seeing them succeed and do things that make them happy. The feelings I have against the world are mixed. I like seeing people support and bring light to important topics like global warming and fixing the current state of the world with racism and social injustice. I wish I saw more of it though and I hope to see more people turn vegetarian and use low waste options, and of course- maybe not being horrible people with massively outdated mindsets. 


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