
Metrics and Analytics: LJ2

    We are data was a very insightful reading. It truly put to words the idea of being an algorithm on the world wide web. It is crazy to think that what we are is put into letters and numbers. The fact that normal people who aren't noteworthy can be hidden but people of fame are put on display in their "golden prison". It is also astounding to think that how we surf the web decides how ads get promoted to us.We all knew of this phenomena, but We Are Data highlighted that to Google, we are just a male or a female and that indicates exactly how they will advertise to us. John Cheney-Lippold stated, "when Google analyzes your browsing data and assigns you to one of the two distinct gender categories (only "male" or "female"), your algorithmic gender may contradict your own identity, needs, and values." (Cheney-Lippold, 2019) meaning that Google sees you as pure data, no more no less. You are but a pawn in their giant game of advertisements and making money- being the "normal people" we are, it makes sense that corporations would only see us as numbers. The entire idea of people being deeper than what they are looking up on the internet goes out the window. 

    Knowing all of this makes me want to cut down on my personal use on the internet, it just seems slimy knowing that businesses use our data to further themselves without caring about their consumers- it is all just a big game. It is also scary to assume that businesses track and look at all of our data as it eliminates any privacy we once thought we had. As for a professional capacity, it makes me want to get into marketing more. To make people know corporations care and be ethical about how we market materials. The ethics are lacking, for sure. The entire reading of We Are Data just proves we really are nothing more than a number. I truly wish that more corporations would think long and hard about a new means of marketing. Lumping everyone into an algorithm and taking peoples internet data to further themselves just seems lazy and bias. Maybe it is because I am very much against big corpa, but it is always "icky" to see massive businesses use outdated ways to advertise. Assuming everyone identifies as just a "male" or "female" is archaic. People are growing and learning who they truly are as a person, so getting an ad for dresses and makeup while transitioning to a male is a little insulting to say the least. Not everyone is easy to read, so maybe it is time we change the way we use this algorithm. I wish corporations would not only respect our privacy, but our value as human beings. 

Works Cited:

Cheney-Lippold, J. (2019). We are data algorithms and the making of our Digital Selves. New York University Press. 


  1. Hello Marla, I think that we should be making companies like Google be more mindful in how they see the consumers instead of just as raw data to be exploited for profit. This was a very insightful read, great work.

  2. Hello Marla,
    While I do agree that it is both scary and unethical for these social media companies to take hold of personal information without users' consent; I also believe that this practice is not that damaging and harmful as most make it out to be. These websites, at the end of the day, still prioritize revenue over anything else. So the act of data gathering most likely only serve to fulfill basic business goals. So long as you are not doing anything malicious online, you have little reason to feel frightened. So no need to quit the internet just yet.


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