
My Thoughts on Social Media: LJ1

    My personal dos and don'ts of Social Media are pretty simple and to the point. My "do" is to be kind. Don't put hate out into the world, it is easier to be happy and spread kindness. My "don't" is to never post anything personal. By personal I mean no breakup posts, no address info, no "you should probably go to therapy instead of posting that post" either. When I used to use social media I was a pure menace. I used to post pictures of my "LMFAO" shirts like three times captioning the photo "just got back from Hot Topic!" I also posted like 15 Merry Christmas posts. No joke. I wish I had screenshots. I solely used Facebook because I thought it was super cool. As for now, I literally never post. I don't know why, I just think people don't want to or need to know what I'm up to. I'm in a beautiful relationship and I am beyond happy, so I don't need any other validation. If I could go back, honestly I wouldn't change a thing. I think it is hilarious seeing little kids on social media posting about ridiculous things. It's adorable watching small people grow into big people and watching them navigate through a scary thing such as social media without a care in the world and just posting cute things they like. I was never bullied or anything but knowing what I know now, I would probably post less- just because it was probably very annoying to my adult family member to see me wish them a Merry Christmas 15 times. 

    How I feel about: 

        Social Media and Self-Expression: I feel very strongly about it in a positive way. Social media has done some amazing things for people, saved their animals from dying by posting their cash app, gotten kidneys donated to family members that needed one, and even getting animals adopted from kill shelters when they have been there for years. I also support self expression in any way- minus the ways that require posting about food or anything else useless.    
        Selfies: I love a good selfie! There is nothing wrong with loving yourself and posting something when you feel pretty! 
        Online Image: I think that online image is very important. My boyfriend who is a firefighter wouldn't have gotten a job if his online image wasn't good. It is upsetting to think you can't freely post what you want, but I suppose it is there for anyone and everyone to see 
        Rules/Criteria For Posting: I think rules and criteria for posting are important. They help with bullying, images that shouldn't be shared, and overall any negativity that would've been release without said rules.
        Comparing Yourself To Others: This is one of the most toxic things surrounding social media. I hate that Instagram and Twitter are full of models who photoshop their bodies and faces just to look different. It gives such a negative idea about a woman's body standards. Nobody on this planet has a tiny waist, no body fat, and perfect skin with zero pores. All women are beautiful but purposely faking being perfect is horrible to do. I hope this trend ends and natural beauty rises up again so young girls don't have to look at themselves in a negative light for having cellulite and pores. 
        Quitting Social Media: Quitting social media is an amazing thing! I wish I could do this! The amount of toxicity surrounding social media is insane. I think quitting is the best thing you could do for yourself but unfortunately I am not strong enough. 


  1. Hi Marley! I really enjoyed reading your perspective on comparing yourself to others. It is empowering to embrace who we are and not bring ourselves down over unrealistic beauty standards. I look forward to reading your future blogs.

  2. I agree that social media is very toxic but hard to stop using. They make it so addicting even if it has bad influences on people. I also think that anything personal on your socials is something anyone can hold against you.


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