
Time Diary

    From my time diary I learned Tik Tok was my most used app. I access this app solely on my phone and on average I spent about 2 hours on it daily. My activity seemed to spike at around 12 o'clock when I go on break at work and then it spikes once more around 6 pm after I finish my workout and start preparing for bed. The most amount of time I spent on Tik Tok however was over the weekend where my usage grew to about 4 hours. I truly do believe that this time I am using to play around on Tik Tok is effecting my semester. If I got off of that darn clock app, I probably would've had this assignment done before 9 o'clock.

    I use Tik Tok mostly for entertainment. It serves me no other purpose to me, really. I see myself turning into one of the Wall-E characters sitting on their cool floating chairs drooling over their phones. I don't necessarily communicate to anyone else on the app, again- I only use it for my Wall-E moments. I found it very interesting that I barely touched Instagram or Twitter though, it was actually really weird. I only managed to average about 10-15 minutes on those social medias for the entirety of the four days. I also found it quite interesting how I only sent 310 text messages over the span of four days. Somehow that number seems so low. Normally I just text my boyfriend the first intrusive though that pops into my head, but it seems as though I held back a little over these past days. Overall though, it was very eye opening and helped me understand that I need to put my phone down and get back to doing my homework.


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