
Flickr and Readings : LJ5

    This week's reading material was very interesting. They did a great job highlighting how important the various array of apps out there are. There is an app for everything and it is interesting to see how many different uses there are for them all. I found it strange that nobody is talking about the powerhouse of an app that is Tik Tok. I know it is still in its infancy, but it is slowly taking over all other social media. The app can single handedly sell out a product after one video of it goes viral. Trust me, I know this all too well- I still can't find this one hair product ANYWHERE! That is besides the point however, I feel as though Flickr is not as huge as any other social media mentioned throughout the readings. I'll be honest- this is the first I have heard of it! Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of people expressing themselves and sharing photos to show their personality through their own art form, but Flickr just seems like a less popular Instagram. Maybe this is me just being ignorant to the fact that Flickr indeed existed, or maybe I am just getting old and got a little confused that there were more forms of social media out there than I originally had thought, but I feel as though (not to be rude or disrespectful) it is useless? 

    I understand (especially after reading this week's materials) that every app has its own purpose and most photo sharing apps are strictly there for expressing one's art form, but I find Flickr to sort of be a more specialized google image’s. I can see how it is useful for portfolio purposes, but other than that realm I do not see the appeal. Again, I don't mean this rudely- it is just my own opinion. Other than that though, I really enjoyed searching "cat" on Flickr and seeing all the fur babies. If that was Flickr's sole purpose, you could count me in but sadly, that is not the case. Other than my clear beef with Flickr, I truly did enjoy the readings and they opened my eyes to using social media as more of an art form, as long as I keep in line with the ethics of it all and not to reuse someone else's work!


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