
Final Project

     In my personal experience, I use Linked In quite a lot. It is extremely useful for job seekers and companies themselves to get their name out. It is amazing for job seekers to find jobs that cater to their qualities and skillsets. As for companies, it is amazing for them to find people interested in working for them and also to network themselves. It shows other companies that they are connected to the community and shows people that they care about allowing people to see what their companies do for their employees. A lot of times companies show their support to important causes like BLM, support for Ukraine and Womens rights. I like to see posts like this because it helps me gauge what companies actually care about spreading support for causes that support human rights. I feel very strongly about this because I know other people think the same way. When a company shows support for causes that matter to the community, it grounds them and makes them seem kind and more attractive to the public. In my opinion, it makes me want to consume from that company much more than one that stays silent. I enjoy seeing companies that can support human rights movements without feeling that they're getting "too political" and its "too inappropriate" to post about. 

    As for how this class has shaped my opinion and experience with social media, it has shown me that social media can be used for so much more than personal gain. You can use many platforms to showcase your skills and use them to attain a career. This class has also taught me how to use and master certain social medias like Twitter and LinkedIn. It is crazy how much more I appreciate social media and what it can do for a company and a person. LinkedIn has always been an important factor in my career goals, but after this final assignment I have discovered how to make it even more strong in developing a profile for myself. I now think that I will be the perfect candidate when it comes to career searching because of how my LinkedIn profile looks now. I am very grateful for taking this course as it has taught me very important life and career skills that I will take with me outside of USF. 

LinkedIn Link:


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