
Social Media Influencers: LJ8

    In my whole life I have probably watched the oscars a solid 5 times. Even with the Will Smith and Chris Rock debacle, I still didn't watch (I can't see the future though, because if I knew that was happening I would've tuned in). I still thoroughly believe it was a stunt, however. There's no chance that Will Smith's grown self decided to walk up and smack the living heck out of Chris Rock because of his banger of a joke. I also found out recently that Jada Smith self diagnosed her alopecia. Just something to think about. I think the Oscar's clearly knew that they were a dying breed and needed to up their ratings and views. And the stunt worked. People are STILL talking about it. Plus- for everyone saying the slap was "too real" and the emotions were "too real", everyone involved are actors. So again, just something to think about. It makes me a little bit bitter to think that it could be real though, because Chris Rock was diagnosed with a disability where he can't read peoples emotions properly. Which makes me sad because he would've had no idea he hurt someones feelings thinking he was just having innocent fun. 

    I personally do not interact with with any with any broadcast media. I also do not communicate with any social media influencers or stars. I don't really like any of the popular ones these days, they're younger than me so I just find it odd. Being old is weird. I don't really talk about any of them with others either, mostly because their all babies and again- weird. I am not a social media influencer because I'm a full time employee, cat mom and student. I also have no yearning to become one, I don't like talking to people so it'd be a really bad gig for me. I have a very bleh feeling toward social media, so nothing can put a further bad taste in my mouth for it. The readings are informative, but I am so deep in my own ways that nothing really makes me crave to be or be off social media.


  1. Hello. I agree that the whole influencer thing is odd. I also am not the type to communicate with social media influencers. I believe in my eyes its pointless knowing they get millions of comments everyday and I feel like anyone can become an influencer at this point.


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